The North Carolina Partnership for Children, Inc. (NCPC) is the statewide nonprofit organization that provides oversight and technical assistance for local partnerships. Services at the local level range depending on local needs. Currently, 77 local partnerships are established throughout the state to administer funding and programs. Smart Start funds are used to improve the quality of child care, make child care more affordable and accessible, provide access to health services, and offer family support. Smart Start has achieved tremendous results in these areas and continues to strive to reach all children in North Carolina.
Through Smart Start funds, the Robeson County Partnership For Children helps to provide services for children, birth to age 5, and their families in our community. The goal is to ensure that young children enter school healthy and ready to succeed.
In 1993, North Carolina Governor Jim Hunt founded Smart Start, North Carolina’s nationally recognized and award-winning early childhood initiative. It was designed to ensure that ALL young children, 0-5, enter school healthy and ready to succeed.
Smart Start is a public-private initiative that provides early education funding to all of the state’s 100 counties. Smart Start funds are administered at the local level through local nonprofit organizations such as the Robeson County Partnership for Children, Inc. Services offered reflect documented community needs. Currently, the Robeson County Partnership for Children, Inc. has 10 funded activities.
“To make a compelling impact on Robeson County families by collaborating with early childhood agencies to support programs that measurably develop young children and their caregivers for success.”
“To ensure Robeson County’s children and families have the capacity to achieve their fullest potential in all aspects of life.”