Requesting Bidders for Custom Book Design and Publication
Custom Book Design, Publication, Printing
Robeson County Partnership for Children, Inc.
Requesting Bidders for Custom Book Design and Publication
The Robeson County Partnership for Children, Inc. is currently seeking bids from vendors for: the design, publication, and print of a fully customizable book. Bid must include the cost to assist with the design of a 24 page custom book that can be published in both soft cover (8 in x 8 in) and board book (6in. X 6in.) and the costs to print and deliver 1000 soft cover and 3000 board books to our location. Interested bidders must submit a proposal no later than January 29, 2025. Bid proposals may be submitted via e-mail to If you have any questions, please contact Stacie Kinlaw at 910-738-6767 ext. 290.
FSR Forms (Part 1, 2, & 3)
In-Kind Contribution Forms
Amendment & Revision Forms
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Budget Revision Request
Budget Narrative